We believe your voice is your vote. Period.
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Advocacy Campaigns
Take immediate action by joining NCJW member advocates from across the nation by participating in the latest Take Action initiative! It’s a simple process that only requires signing your name. Click on the provided link to make your voice heard today!

Repro Resources
We are pleased to announce that the Jewish Ritual Guide for Abortion and Miscarriage Care is now available for our community. This comprehensive guide provides the Jewish ritual context for those experiencing a miscarriage or accessing an abortion, offering basic scripts, resources, and suggestions. We understand that each person's experience is unique, and we encourage you to use what works for you without guilt, shame, or stigma. Click this link to access this valuable resource and find support within our community.
This guide is for anyone interested in protecting abortion rights and access, from seasoned advocates to those newly introduced to how our Jewish values inform our work. Each section explores a different facet of this work. The background information provides a necessary context for understanding the specifics of the Jewish messaging resources and the intersection of abortion rights with other critical issues. Click this link view the toolkit as a PDF.